
Christ Church CofE Primary School

together we can...

Year 6

Year 6 Learning Objectives



At Christ Church, we firmly believe that reading is at the forefront of all our learning and encourages children's imaginations by delving into magical or alternative worlds.


In Year 6, reading at home has a massive impact on children's reading skills as they prepare for their end of Key Stage Assessments and develop into more independent readers. Children are given a reading book to match their reading level, which they should read at least three times a week. When they have completed a book, they are encouraged to take a quiz on Accelerated Reader to work towards becoming 'A Word Millionaire'. Children can then select a new book from our reading areas, myON or our reading scheme. 



As well as reading every night, spellings will be sent home every Friday and children are tested on these spellings the following Friday. Spelling words will be based around the statutory Year 5/6 words that are essential for both our writing and preparing for SATs.


TT Rock Stars should be accessed through the week to support children's times tables knowledge as this feeds into all aspects of our mathematical understanding.

Prizes will be given to children who access this the most or make the most improvement with their times tables.


Home school link projects will be sent home every term which links to a topic children are learning about in school - we can't wait to see what you create! 
