The Internet is amazing! We can use it to help us learn and to play games. We can use it to keep in touch with our friends and family by email, instant messaging and social media. We can download the latest chart hits, stream movies and TV shows and watch live broadcasts from across the world. The Internet has become such a useful tool that it is difficult to imagine how we ever lived without it!
As with all tools, it is important that we know how to use it safely and understand the dangers we face when we don't use it responsibly. On this page, you will find a number of very helpful links to help both children and parents ensure that we always stay safe online.
Think U Know - Visit CEOP's website to find the latest information on the sites you like to visit, mobiles and new technology. Find out what’s good, what’s not and what you can do about it.
Choose your age group:
Childnet Primary Zone - Find the latest information on the sites and services that you like to use, plus information about mobiles, gaming, downloading, social networking and much more.
KidSMART - Learn more about the Internet and how to be a SMART surfer here.
Please note: All links to external websites will open in a new browser tab or window. Although we have checked each site for suitability, Christ Church CE Primary School is not responsible for the content hosted on other sites.