Christmas Performances
Carol singing
Our choir have enjoyed spreading the Christmas spirit this year by performing some Christmas songs at church and Roger Arden Court. They have been working hard to learn and practise some new songs which they blew away our local community with during their performances.
Year 6 have been enjoying learning how to play the ukulele during their music lessons in the Autumn term.
'Fit for a King Eurovision Big Sing!'
Year 4 visited the Liverpool Cathederal in September of this year to perform their beautiful singing that they had been practicing with Chris for the 'Fit for a King Eurovision Big Sing!' All of their effort and practice was definitely worth it!
Chinese Dance Workshop
The children in KS1 have enjoyed taking part in a Chinese dance workshop this term to celebrate Chinese New Year. The children enjoyed using items such as parosols and fans to learn about the different styles of Chinese dance. The children had lots of fun taking part in this interactive workshop!
Artsmark GOLD!
This year, our school was fortunate to be awarded Artmarks Gold award for all of our efforts with our creative curriculum. We celebrated this wonderful achievement by holding a whole school assembly, where we watched a video, reminding us of all of the amazing work that we have done for the Arts. We then watched a performance from Hillside choir, who sang the song 'When I grow up' beautifully, before we announced our new Humanities and the Arts ambassadors.
Pantomine Trip
As part of our Christmas festivities here at Christ Church, all classes from Reception - Year 6, enjoyed a memorable trip to the Atkinson pantomine in Southport to watch Alladin. The children all had a great time, singing along to songs that they knew and joining in with 'He's behind you!'
Christmas Performances
What a lovely festive term we have had in school! EYFS and KS1 have delivered four wonderful performances of the Nativity, where they retold the Christmas story through narrators and some lovely singing. Whilst, KS2 have been working hard preparing for their carol concert which they performed for parents. We are definitely getting in the Christmas spirit with all of these carols being sung around school.
Year 3 Drumming
Year 3 have been fortunate to have Gafro from Sefton Music Services coming to teach them drumming during the Spring term. Gafro has been teaching the children how to play the djembe drums which originate from West Africa. He teaches different rhythms that the children have to copy and repeat, while playing they explore the correct use of the drum hitting the centre and then the edge which impacts the dynamics (volume). The rhythms will vary in tempo and the children work on their listening skills and performing skills as he splits them into two groups and gives them the opportunity to play for the other group. Children then are able to appraise the music that they have heard.
Hillside Art Gallery
Last week, Year 4 were lucky enough to be invited to Hillside High School to visit their art exhibition. They spent their time exploring the different artwork that the children at Hillside have created and celebrating their achievements.
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic - Musical Tracks
In the Spring term Key Stage 2 children visited the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic to watch the ‘Musical Tracks’ concert. The orchestra performed classical music by composers such as Olivier Truan, Antonin Dvorak and Leonard Bernstein. The concert focused on the theme ‘Migration’ and schools from all over Liverpool joined together to take part singing a song they had been learning about Hope Street. It was an unforgettable experience for all of the children. KS1 are really excited about their trip to the Philharmonic this term!
Year 5 Art Bytes Competition
This year our school has taken part in a national art competition called Art Bytes. This competition is open to year 5 pupils and year 9 pupils. Our year 5 pupils worked hard producing some beautiful competition entries both in school and at home which were then submitted online and are now live on the Art Bytes website. From these entries a judging panel selected the top three artworks from our school. The top three artworks have been voted for by friends, family and members of the public and the final decision for the winning artwork will be announced on the Art Bytes website this Friday 5th May. The winner will then have their art displayed in a virtual gallery. You can see some of the wonderful artworks below.
Royal Academy Young Artists Competition
Recently a number of our pupils from a cross the school took the time to create their own wonderful artworks to be entered into the Royal Academy Young Artists Competition. We were blown away with the creativity shown by these students and wish them lots of luck with their competition entries. The winners will be announced at the end of May.
World Book Day 2022
This year to celebrate World Book Day, we focused on the book 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. Our children enjoyed a very colourful catwalk, book hunts, colour trails and celebrated our love of reading!
Bootle Literary Festival
As part of Bootle Children's Literary Festival, our children had the exciting opportunity to work with the inspirational Liverpool poet, Levi Tafari. He held an assembly for KS2 and wowed us with his amazing poems. Then, year 4 took part in a workshop in which they relished the chance to make poems come to life!
Latin Club
Hello Everyone!
Christ Church's first ever Latin club began last term!
The children learnt how to introduce themselves and greet one another in Latin. They also built a tiny replica of an Ancient Roman kitchen and labelled all of the appliances using the Latin vocabulary. They had a fantastic time with Mrs.Kerr and were able to link the vocabulary to our year 4 Ancient Rome topic!