
Christ Church CofE Primary School

together we can...

Our Christian Vision

Together we can do all things through Christ

who strengthens us


Our mission statement reflects our understanding that through Christ we can do all things; encouraging resilience and hope to know life in all its fullness.
Our ‘Together We Can’ motto permeates through all aspects of our school life and our core Christian values of Friendship, Thankfulness, Peace, Trust, Forgiveness, Compassion and Hope are embedded in the life of the school and its community.


Our Vision


Together… we are a Community

At Christ Church CE Primary, we are passionate about working together in all aspects of school life. Our community and our partnership with Christ Church is integral to the life of the school. We collaborate with each other in a range of different ways: through worship, prayer, reflection, discussion and celebration. We are resolute in fostering positive relationships - reflecting our ‘Together We Can’ ethos, showing support and welcome to all, with the knowledge that by working together as a community, we will flourish.


Together… we Nurture Relationships

Our nurturing school community ensures everyone is valued, included and developed and models positive relationships and behaviour. We take the time to listen to, learn from and get to know each other well – showing mutual respect, support and care for one another – in our relationship with God, pupils, staff, families, governors, the Church and the local community.


Together… in Discovery

Encouraging enquiring minds - asking questions about the world we live in and developing life-long learners is central to our vision. We instill in our children and staff that we are here to feel, wonder and gaze in awe at the world; learning about ourselves, others and the world around us. Instead of just teaching our children how to use things and do things, we want to nourish their sense of wonder, curiosity and spirituality and deepen their sense of meaning and purpose to their lives. And with this, they grow in confidence to go into the world and flourish.


Together… through Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is underpinned by our core Christian values which permeate through our school and its inclusive, unique, inspiring and ambitious curriculum through which we support the children to become the very best versions of themselves. We equip them for life-long learning, enabling them to articulate their own beliefs, ideas and knowledge with confidence. We are committed to providing our pupils with a range of learning experiences to enrich their cultural, social, physical, mental and spiritual development.


Together… as Future Citizens

We aspire for our pupils to be good Christians; positive, accepting and respectful members of the community; role models that others may follow; healthy, happy and safe. We believe that the love and care we provide for our pupils, makes them strong individuals and kind, responsible Christian citizens who listen to, serve and contribute to their community and our diverse society as a whole.


Together… for Our Children

We wish to give our children roots yet wings: roots for a sense of belonging - proud of where they are from and the stability of knowing here is home and that we are their Christ Church family; yet wings to have the self-belief, strength and faith to explore the world around them and the opportunities and possibilities life has to offer both now and in the future. We want our children to be ambitious about who they can be and what they can accomplish.  They need to know that irrespective of their background, they can achieve anything and everything.



"Christ Church is a warm and inclusive Church school at the heart of its community.

The Christian vision is well known and understood by the school community. The school's core values serve as the guiding principles for pupils and adults to flourish.."  Siams 2023


