
Christ Church CofE Primary School

together we can...


Welcome to Nursery 


Welcome to our Nursery page. In Christ Church Nursery we encourage our children to become independent learners. We are lucky to have a wonderful spacious nursery and a large outdoor learning garden, our two year old children also have their own outdoor area to enjoy. Our Nursery is split into two areas, Little Nursery for our two year old children and Big Nursery for our three and four year olds. Each day children come to nursery they will have time to free play in our provision, children will also take part in a whole class carpet time session and spend time in the garden. Children will also have a daily snack time, as much as possible we encourage children to make or serve their own snack. During the nursery session children will also be invited to join in activities in smaller groups, these activities may be themed to our topic or focus on an area of learning.


Nursery Staff

Little Nursery

Mrs Watson and Mrs Rimmer - two of our lovely Nursery Nurses look after our 2 year old children.


Big Nursery

Mrs Furber (Mon/Tue/Wed) and Mrs Edwards (Wed/Thur/Fri) are our Nursery Teachers who work alongside Mrs McVeigh and Mrs Foster who are our Nursery Nurse and Teaching Assistant in Big Nursery.


Autumn Term 2022

Our first half term in nursery is very much centered around helping our new children to settle into their new nursery environment, supporting them to learn new rules and routines and getting to know children. Our theme for this half term will be All About Me which will encompass learning about children, their friends and their families. We will be reading lots of stories about families to see that families and come in many forms and reflecting on our own families by sharing family photographs and talking about these. Following on from this we will also be thinking about the things that make us all special and unique and will be celebrating these. As always in nursery will be singing songs, playing games, exploring outdoors and enjoying lots of fun and messy activities. As the term progresses we will also be observing the changes in the weather and the trees in our garden environment to learn about the season of Autumn. As part of this we have an exciting trip to Derby Park planned for children and their grown ups.

What a busy time we have ahead!



We strive to instill a love of books and reading with all of our children in nursery. Spending time sharing a book with your child is one of the best ways you can support their development. Sharing favourite books over and over until children know the stories through and through, exploring new stories and different types of book, letting your children tell their own stories using the pictures or even just talking about what children can see in the pictures rather than reading the whole story, all these ways of enjoying books are beneficial.

To support childrens reading at home we run a Nursery Book Loan. Each wee children are invited to chose a Nursery Library book to take home and share each Friday, please could they return these on a Monday to allow us to quarantine these before they are loaned again. 

If your child does beginning of the week sessions they will loan a book each Wednesday.


Session Times

AM session 8:45am till 11:45am

PM session 12:15pm till 3:15pm

Full time children 9am till 3pm



Snack Money

In Nursery we provide children with variety of healthy snacks such as toast, cereal, crackers and cheese, sandwiches and yoghurts. These snacks are always served alongside milk, water and a serving of fruit. To help us provide daily snacks we ask for a voluntary donation of £1 each week.


Potty Training

If your child is potty training or recently potty trained we ask that you send in a bag to nursery containing a few sets of spare underwear, socks and clothes. Children's bags can be kept in Nursery on their Peg.


Learning Through Play in Nursery!

Autumn Walk 2022

Children and their grown ups enjoyed a lovely autumnal walk around Derby Park observing the seasonal changes occurring. Children gathered leaves, conkers and pine cones, spotted squirrels, looked at the berries growing and had lots of fun playing with their friends.
