
Christ Church CofE Primary School

together we can...

Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to EYFS at Christ Church CE Primary

At Christ Church Nursery and Reception School our aim is to create an exciting learning environment, good relationships and a feeling of security which will support, enhance and invite a children’s curiosity, confidence and individuality. We aim to work collaboratively with parents and carers to encourage independent, enthusiastic and happy learners who strive to reach their full potential. Through good relationships with parents, carers and prior nursery settings we intend to know our children well before they start our school therefore ensuring a settled start to school life.



Every child has access to a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum which is based on the guidance of Development Matters. Through the development of an ‘I Can’ approach to learning, children are able to experience positive achievements and ownership of their own learning. Following children’s personal interests and individual needs, allows us to plan and provide opportunities to support learning and development in order for children to achieve their next steps. We aim for our children to be competent and creative learners who are curious about their world and confident to find out more through their engagement in school.


By the end of the Reception Year, our intent is to ensure that all children have made at least good progress from their starting points and are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to have a smooth transition to year 1.


If you would like to learn more about  our EYFS provision here at Christ Church CE Primary then please contact the school office to speak to our Early Years Team.

For more information on the EYFS framework, please follow this link:
