
Christ Church CofE Primary School

together we can...

Latest news

Year 4 have visit from real life Bake Off contestant!

Lizzie Acker who appeared on the Great British Bake Off came to give Year 4 a lending hand with their biscuit topic in DT. The children made melted snowmen biscuits and had a great time learning about the skills of making their biscuit look aesthetically pleasing - meaning, so delicious we wanted to gobble them up!

Have a look at our pictures from Nursery to Year 6 during Science week and our science term of projects. We have also had fun at Science club making slime and finding out which nappies are best! 

Science poster competition

Thank you to all children who got involved and gave an entry into school for our 'Science values and principles' poster design. There were so many excellent examples of STEM artwork and children put so much thought into their designs. But one stood out for our judges who felt that Molly in 6L really captured STEM learning at Christ Church. Molly has won a science kit and has the glory of having her beautiful artwork displayed around school as a proper printed poster! Well done Molly and everyone else who participated too! 

Fun Food Chef returns! 

Fun food chef has been back to Christ Church and given Year 5 a real treat cooking muscles, dahl and plantain. Children got involved with chopping and dicing and tasted a great variety of ingredients. What a day! 

DT Autumn Term

All across school, we have been enjoying our new topics in cookery during Design and Technology sessions. Most class have been developing preparing and chopping skills and we can see the lovely progression from where we get our food from to animal welfare on local farms! We enjoyed using fresh, seasonal produce to make pies, stews, crumbles and healthy treats! 

Take a look at all the wonderful things we've been getting up to in our STEM Faculty.

This year we've been enjoying the following activities:

  • a 'Weird Science Term' with brilliant home-school projects. We sent home a home school project knowkedge organiser with some whizpopping activities for children to complete on including melting ice, cheesy wotsit pollen test, making shadows and making planes. Children sent in their findings, got involved online and on Purple Mash and even sent videos of their own learning. Thank you to all who got involved!
  • Science week - Mrs Waring really enjoyed visiting all the classes to show some exciting experiements including the coke and mento experiement, rainbow skittles, flip book illusions and zoetropes. We also heard from a real life Doctor who told us all about diagnosing appendicitis and how she became and Doctor. Through the week, children could by science gadgets from out lovely science ambassadors! There was also an opportunity to visit our new school telescope and Planetarium! A fun week all round!
  • creating delicious, seasonal, healthy treats and designing our own structures and textile products
  • learning how to stay safe online 
  • continually improving and embedding our mathematical skills within both our maths lessons and our wider STEM subjects
  • TT Rock Stars battles 
  • meeting the Fun Food Chef and creating delicious, nourishing meals with him 
  • Cookery Club 
  • Science Club - children came to explore the science term projects and had a lovely time being scientific! What was really lovely was the mix of age groups from Year 1 to Year 6.
  • launching our Science Ambassadors - Thank you to our lovely children who helped launch the science club, took ownership of our gadget shop and introduce science task via our videos! 

D&T: Fun Food Chef

TT Rock Stars: Battle of the Times Tables


Every week, our children are set a times tables battle on TT Rock Stars to encourage them to practise their times tables to continue to improve. Children knowing their times tables is so important as it feeds in to almost all mathematical concepts that our children will explore. So, each week, our children battle it out to become a part of our Christ Church band by winning an inflatable  instrument. These prizes are given to children who are continually practising their times tables and children who we notice have improved their times tables. We love to hear children getting excited about winning their class battle and becoming a part of our Christ Church band!

Science: Experimenting and Investigating

Computing: Purple Mash 


At Christ Church, we use Purple Mash when teaching Computing. We love using Purple Mash as it allows our children to explore concepts like coding independently without fear of making a mistake! We introduce the lessons, learn something new together and then the children have a go themselves. We're always amazed at how confident they are during Computing lessons - they always want to show us what they've discovered or the animations they've created and we love to see it!
