
Christ Church CofE Primary School

together we can...

Year 3

Year 3 Learning Objectives



Reading plays a central role in our learning and lies at the heart of everything that we do at Christ Church.  We want to develop a love of reading within our children. To do this we need your help at home as well.  Please can you make sure you read with your child every night, sign their reading diary and return it with the book the next day in order for us to change it.


Children who meet their reading target or show a dedicated effort with their reading may be chosen to choose a book from our reading vending machine on a Friday! Those children who have read 20 times or more during a half term will earn an extra treat.







As well as reading every night, spelling books will be sent home every Friday and should be kept at home so that your child can practice their spellings.  They should then be returned to school the following Friday, ready for the spelling test and new spellings to be given out.


The home-school link book is for your child to complete one, or more, of the projects over the half term. 

We are looking forward to seeing all of the creative ideas from our children (and parents!)


You child can find their username and password for Myon and TT rockstars in their homework book. Please ask the class teacher for a replacement if needed! 



We believe that it is important that children develop as love of reading as they learn, which is why we carefully select our class texts to capture childrens imaginations and natural curiosity to find out more and explore different texts. We use VIPERS to help us explore different texts and guide us through books as we develop our reading and writing skills through the readng to writing process.


In spring term we will read:

Where the Wild Things Are 

Fantastic Mr Fox

When The Giant Stirred

A Bear Called Paddington







We use Maths No Problem as our scheme of work for maths, this consists of an Infocus task, where we will work indepdently with our talk partner to talk about how we can solve a given problem and the various methods that we can use. We then use our 'Lets learn' part of the lesson to learn together and develop and secure new and exisiting mathematical concepts. This scheme allows us to develop our own independence in maths and helps us to achieve various different ways to find answers to problems.


In Year 3 we have been securing our understanding of place value. We have been learning different methods to add, subtract, multiply and divide up to three digit numbers. We have also been building building on our knowledge and understanding of fractions from Year 2 and applying these methods when solving practical problems.


We are also continuing to develop our understanding of time, shape, space and measure.
