
Christ Church CofE Primary School

together we can...

Curriculum Faculties

Together we can...


Our faculties make learning more efficient, more embedded and more fun. Working with others enables us to pool ideas, make connections within subjects - combining a variety of skills to develop, deepen and broaden pupils’ learning. Furthermore, our faculties give us the chance to learn from each other. There are many benefits from analysing, discussing and exploring ideas and questions and gaining feedback from each other in order to deliver the best practice and opportunities to all our pupils. Each faculty has a team of Ambassadors - a group of pupils with a particular interest in each faculty's subjects. Our enthusiastic Ambassadors represent the school and assist teachers and leaders with the development of subjects within them.

At Christ Church CE Primary we have created faculties in the following areas:


Wellbeing and Distinctiveness: R.E; P.S.H.E; P.E

The Arts: ; Latin; Art & Design; Music; English

Humanities: Geography; History

S.T.E.M: Science; Technology; Engineering; Maths



Please click on the links below to find out more about the intent, implementation and impact of each faculty's subjects and to see our achievements so far.


