
Christ Church CofE Primary School

together we can...

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to our year group page.  We hope you enjoy taking a look around and seeing all of the exciting things we are learning in school.



Class teacher - Mrs Naden

Teaching Assistant -Miss Boyle & Mr Moore



Class teachers - Miss Turrell

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Speke & Mr Moore


P.E days Tuesday and Thursday

Children are expected to come into school in their full PE kits with all black trainers.





Year 2 Learning Objectives



Your child will bring home two reading books each night, one is a Read Write Inc phonics book which matches the phonics colour group that they are in in school. These books only contain sounds which your child has learnt in school and therefore will allow your child to confidently decode the words inpdendently. Your child will also bring home another reading book is matched to your child's current reading level. Each time your child reads these books, they can swap them for another book of their choice.


Reading is the most important life skill that your child will learn.  Please can you make sure that you read with your child every night,  sign their reading diary and return it with the book the next day in order for us to change it. On the first page of your childs reading diary is a list of common exception words, these words are words which your child is expected to be able to read and write by the end of Year 2. Please can you practice reading these words each time you read with your child and practice writing them where possible.




The home-school link book is for your child to complete one, or more, of the projects over the half term. 

We are looking forward to seeing all of the creative ideas from our children (and parents!)


We believe that it is important that children develop as love of reading as they learn, which is why we carefully select our class texts to capture childrens imaginations and natural curiosity to find out more and explore different texts. We use VIPERS to help us explore different texts and guide us through books as we develop our reading and writing skills through the readng to writing process.


Here are the books that we will be exploring this year :


We use Maths No Problem as our scheme of work for maths, this consists of an Infocus task, where we will work indepdently with our talk partner to talk about how we can solve a given problem and the various methods that we can use. We then use our 'Lets learn' part of the lesson to learn together and develop and secure new and exisiting mathematical concepts. This scheme allows us to develop our own independence in maths and helps us to achieve various different ways to find answers to problems.


In Year 2 we have been securing our understanding of numbers to 100. We have been learning different methods to add and subtract two digit numbers and multiply and divide 2 digit numbers and one digit numbers. We have also been exploring simple fractions of shapes and quanitites, 2D and 3D shapes, time and measurements.

Here is what we have been up to recently...
