Collective worship is a very special time in our school. It is carefully planned and delivered in a way that brings God alive in our school; not just in a time of stillness and reflection but in all things that we do.
Collective worship is at the heart of our daily life in school. We value the importance of joining together as children, staff, friends and families to learn together and worship God. We think it is important that all stakeholders take time to reflect and evaluate all forms of collective worship to ensure consistent high quality worship.
At Christ Church, our children participate in a daily act of worship. We begin our school week in class worship reflecting on the week ahead before looking at the word of God (following the church liturgical year), singing hymns, saying prayers with our parish clergy. Throughout the week worship is led by staff, children and visitors. Collective worship at Christ Church is delivered in a range of forms including; whole school assemblies, Key Stage assemblies, phase group assemblies, hymn practices, celebration assemblies, clergy led assemblies and class collective worship.
Eucharist at Christ Church
Every term, Rev Peach and Rev Williams visit Christ Church for our termly Eucharist Service. Friends and families from Christ Church school as well as members from the church are invited to attend this worship together. We think it is very important that our children are actively involved in delivering collective worship and therefore Year 6 children take a lead role in this service.