
Christ Church CofE Primary School

together we can...

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1



Teachers: Mrs Edwards

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Rimmer



Teachers: Mrs Willis 

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Jones


PE Days


Children are expected to come into school in their full PE kits with all black trainers.

1E - Monday and Wednesday 

1W - Monday and Wednesday 


Year 1 Learning Objectives

Key Information for parents



We expect each child to read every night at home to help them practise sounds that we are learning in class, develop their own self confidence as well as instil a love of reading. Our reading books are currently a mixture between the paper Read Write Inc books and our Oxford Reading Tree books, to support us as we develop our reading skills in year 1. These are very delicate and we ask that parents and children look after these books and refrain from writing children's names on these.


Image result for importance of reading



As well as reading every night, we have stuck in a list of 5 'red words' for you to practise reading with your children at home. These will be updated each Friday and consist of the Year 1 common exception words that the children are required to read and write by the end of Year 1. These words also make up 70% of story books and therefore are very important for the children to practise as often as possible both in school and out of school.


The home-school link book is for your child to complete one, or more, of the projects over the half term. Projects are due in at the end of every half term and then new knoweldge organisers will be stuck in, ready for the following half term.

We are looking forward to seeing all of the creative ideas from our children (and parents!)

Here are some of our fabulous home school projects from this term so far...


In Year 1 we focus on the children's speaking & listening skills; encouraging them to take it in turns to tell stories, share their lovely ideas and talk about the stories they read. It is important that we spend lots of time practising this skill because it will give the children the confidence to start writing - to be able to say the sentence they want to write, to say and hear the sounds in each word, and then to write the sounds that they hear. We work hard in Year 1 to ensure that we remember to use the correct punctuation such as capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We use lots of high quality texts in Year 1 which we love to share, and the children love to explore.

Here are the books that we will be exploring this term:


We use Maths No Problem as our scheme of work for Maths. This consists of an 'In Focus' task where we will work independently with our talk partner to share our ideas about how we can solve a given problem, and the different methods that we can use. We then use our 'Lets Learn' part of the lesson to learn together and develop and secure new and existing mathematical concepts. This scheme allows us to develop our independence in Maths and helps us to understand different ways of finding an answer to problems.

In Year 1 we have been securing our understanding of numbers up to 100. We have been learning how to add and subtract within 20, and the various methods we can use including practical resources, number lines and counting on. We have also explored positional language, shape and Money.

